AML Shoulder Abduction Sling

The 15 degree shoulder abduction sling with pillow is a simple solution that allows for comfortable shoulder positioning after surgery or injury. The pillow provides extra comfort and allows for the arm to sit in a neutral position. It helps prevent post-operative internal rotation contractures that can occur in a sling. It is available in four different sizes and is universal (can be used on the left or right shoulder).

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Incl GST

Regular Price

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Incl GST

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Incl GST

The sling also allows the arm to be positioned in a variety of positions dependent on Post-Op requirements (Anterior or Posterior).

Product Features:

  • Fits left or right
  • Allows shoulder and arm to remain in a neutral position
  • Pillow allows auxiliary air exchange to reduce the risk of secondary infections
  • Breathable Fabric and Padding Sling for comfort


Measure length from wrist to bottom of elbow

Small: 343 mm
Medium: 368 mm
Large: 394 mm
X-Large: 457 mm

Where can I see and try on the different braces and supports?

Since many of the products we sell need to be prescribed by a physiotherapist or fitted by an orthotist, we recommend you discuss this with a specialist first. However, if you already know what you need, you are welcome to buy directly from us through this website. If you need additional help, our Customer Care Team are on the phones every weekday - you can email them (click here) or phone them on 0800 31 61 81.

We do not have a store or showroom and therefore if purchasing through our website you are unable to see the product first. We do however accept exchanges and returns for items that have not been used and are still in their original packaging.

How can I purchase these items?

If you know exactly what it is that you are after, you can purchase many items directly through our website.

Some items must be prescribed by an orthotist or medical professional and will show POA instead of a price. For these products, please chat to your physiotherapist, orthotist or a medical professional about how you can be prescribed and fitted for the item.

Will ACC pay for the cost of the brace or support?

If you require the product due to the result of an accident, you may be able to have this item covered by ACC. We recommend that you discuss this with your ACC Case Manager first. We are unable to charge ACC for any products unless we receive a purchase order from them. 

1. Select category

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3. Overview

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