What Are Pressure Sores?

28 July, 2021

Written by Karma

The presence of pressure ulcers is the third leading cause of death” for wheelchair users, which is why it is important to know what pressure sores are. It’s also essential to understand who is most prone to pressure sores, how to prevent pressure sores in elderly wheelchair users, and what accessories can help reduce the chance of pressure sores. First, we will start by explaining what exactly a pressure sore is and what causes them. 

What are pressure sores?

A pressure sore or pressure ulcer is skin damage caused to an area of the body because of staying in one position for too long. They are most commonly found in areas close to bones like the hips, back, elbows, and ankles. If not quickly treated, the damage to the skin can lead to serious infections that can later become life-threatening. Over time, the damage caused to the skin can lead to skin loss, tissue loss, infection, and in extreme cases, necrosis

What do the different stages of pressure ulcers look like?

What are the most common areas for pressure sores?

  • Back of the head
  • Shoulder blades 
  • Spinous process
  • Elbow
  • Greater trochanter 
  • Sacrum 
  • Coccyx
  • Ischial tuberosity 
  • Heels 

Areas with skin close to bone are most susceptible to pressure sores. For a wheelchair user, there are where the user is in contact with the wheelchair surface, incorrectly. Source: Karma Medical 

What are causes of pressure sores?

The internal factors come from within the body and make patients more likely to sustain pressure injuries. These factors include but are not limited to: 

  • Limited mobility 
  • Age
  • Chronic disease or postural deformities
  • Medical conditions that affect blood flow 
  • Smoking 
  • Malnutrition and dehydration 
  • Urinary and fecal incotinence  

External factors come from a patient’s environment such as sitting in a wheelchair incorrectly. The three main external factors are Pressure, Shear, and Microclimate (temperature and humidity).

Understanding pressure sores will help prevent them

Understanding the main cause of pressure sores in wheelchair users is the easiest way to prevent them. Although some groups are more prone to getting pressure sores; pressure, shear, and microclimate can affect all wheelchair users. 

Click to read who is prone to pressure sores and how to prevent them

Originally published on karmamedical.co.nz