How to Clean Your Reusable Face Mask

01 December, 2021

Written by Allied Medical

This blog outlines best practice for cleaning your reusable mask.

It is recommended that reusable masks are washed after each use. It is advisable to have more than one so a clean mask is always available when you need it.

  1. Dilute neutral detergent with hot water and soak your mask for 2 to 3 minutes. You might consider using a non-scented laundry detergent if you are sensitive to perfumes so it is easier to wear the masks.
  2. Wash your mask by hand, starting from the inside then cleaning the outside.   
  3. Air dry the mask and store in a clean, dry place ready for next use.

As some detergents can be harsh, we recommend not using bleach or softener. To make your mask last as long as possible, hand washing and air drying is preferred over using the washing machine, dryer and iron.